Werken bij ForFarmers

January 2022

A great start to 2022!

Afbeelding: Stephen Jan Image 2

I’ve kicked off 2022 by getting out on farms across the country and speaking to ForFarmers customers first-hand about their farming businesses. It’s been great being out on farm, it’s given me a great insight into different styles of pig units, including straw based, slated, and outdoor.

During the month I’ve spent time with Account Manager, Jim Gould, and Young Animal Feed Specialist, Wes Udall. I’ve learnt so much whilst being on farm, learning from the experience of the team and their approach problem solving.

What have you taken away from these farm visits?

I’ve seen the unique challenges that pig producers are facing and how ForFarmers can support these with its range of nutrition. It’s made me think about how the advice and service we offer needs to be tailored to a specific farm.

Have you been involved in any recent trials?

I’ve really enjoyed being part of the VIDA Muesli trial, looking at the effects on piglets who are showing signs of Post Weaning Diarrhoea (PWD). The results have proven that the addition of muesli to piglets at pre-weaning stages has a positive effect on the gut, which is key at weaning.

What does the rest of your placement look like with ForFarmers?

Afbeelding: Stephen & ForFarmers Lorry

I hope to develop my knowledge of the UK pig industry as well as continuing to learn more about our VIDA products, and working closely with Account Manager, Simon King to get out and talk to more producers who aren’t currently using VIDA.

Outside of work…

Afbeelding: Stephen Jan Image 6

I enjoyed a trip down memory lane, visiting my friend in Oxfordshire who is a dairy herd manager which is where my farming experience began. Spending the weekend milking cows and feeding calves, but, it wasn’t too long until I found a way to the adjoining pig unit to help out!