Werken bij ForFarmers

April 2022

April has been another busy month, full of training, meetings with the team, and getting out on farm.

I started the month off out on-farms up and down the country, from Dorset to Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. I’ve been working closely with Young Animal Feed Manager, Tim Sawyer, checking in on trials. It’s been great to be hands-on and even better to see the great results! We also conducted a VIDA review with a customer, which I always enjoy being a part of: it helps us learn how we can improve performance by testing and making adjustments on-farm.

Always learning

Afbeelding: SE April1

I joined the pig team for a buildings and environment training session on farm in Essex, it was great to catch up with the team, it’s not often we are all in the same place! It was interesting to see how small aspects of building management can have big impacts. We can then share this knowledge when we’re helping our customer’s problem solve. Did you know – the temperature of a building is so important for piglets, but where your thermometer is based in that building can affect what temperature it shows you! It might be giving you the wrong information, a common problem which can so easily be fixed.

I have also continued my training with online courses from the AHDB on pig moving and handling, helping to support pig welfare on sites.

Project work

I’ve also been involved in a project focussing on improving our service to customers in the North, working with Tim and Pig Director, Craig Saunders. I’ve been pulling reports with the help of customer services to provide insight into logistics to find efficiencies.

Placement Project Work

I’ve started working on my Harper Adams placement project report, it’s been great to link up with previous students and fellow ForFarmers pig team members Emily Morgan and Sian Southwell. They’re a brilliant source of advice, having been through the same placement.

My placement has been extended!

I’m proud to share my placement has been extended a few months running right up to my return for my final year at Harper Adams University. It’s great news I will be able to support the team and gain even more experience.

Outside of work…

Afbeelding: SE April group

I enjoyed spending some quality time back at home in Northern Ireland with my family and relaxing over the Easter long weekend. Time flies!