The ForFarmers Health & Safety Awards

On Wednesday 16th March the annual ForFarmers UK Health and Safety Awards presentation took place. This is the second year we have held this internal awards programme; an opportunity for the business to recognise both individuals and sites contributing to Health and Safety.

Peter Senior, UK Operations Director opened the presentation and welcomed colleagues from around the business to the virtual event before handing over the Steven Read, UK Managing Director for the awards presentation. 

The first category to be awarded was the best ‘Health & Safety Performance Award’ by site for both the North and South.

Site Awards

Northern award - The team at Newcastle-Under-Lyme

Steven recognised how the team at Newcastle-Under-Lyme engage on the topic of safety and individuals use their initiative to develop, improve and identify solutions / ideas. During the presentation it was mentioned how the team are very open minded and demonstrate true engagement across all shifts.

Southern award - The team at Carmarthen

Steven commented how the team at Carmarthen had worked hard on some key areas, which make them stand out. Steven mentioned how he had visited the site at the end of last year and there was a particular focus on ‘work place transport’; signage, barriers and pedestrian segregation which had been significantly improved around the site. It is clear the Carmarthen site takes pride in its appearance and maintains very high visual standards and the commitment and enthusiasm from the site leadership team stands out.

Health and Safety site awards

Special Recognition Awards

The presentation then moved on to recognise individuals from both the supply chain and commercial teams who had gone above and beyond when it comes to Health and Safety and the following colleagues were awarded the ‘2021 Special Recognition Awards’.  

Heather Thompson, Transport Manager Newcastle-Under-Lyme

Steven commented how Heather has really challenged the Health and Safety culture at Newcastle and not just within the transport team. She has embraced the KPI’s and made it no longer “about the numbers” but understands the true value of engagement and discussion making this part of her daily routine.

John Russell, Assistant Transport Manager Radstock

Did you know John is a movie star?! John starred in our Driver Safety Campaign “A Day in the Life of A Driver”. It’s because of this and John’s support of the Manual Handling Risk Assessment Video programme and his continued proactive approach within the transport team at Radstock he is recognised for an invested interest in Health and Safety.

Greg Edwards, South Sales Manager

Greg, has never shied away from his responsibilities as a line manager or the role he plays on farm raising the profile with our customers to make it safer for our drivers. He proactively engages with the Health and Safety Team on a number of topics and is keen to lead the way and set the example for others.

Alister Davies, Beef & Sheep Sales Manager

When Alister received his award, he was out doing what he loves most; working with a customer. Alister has constructively challenged the approach towards safety on farm and worked with sites to achieve practical, safe solutions.

Awards winners

Thanks and recognition

When all awards were presented Peter then closed the presentation and commented how lost time injuries (LTI) have decreased as a UK business on the whole.

Lastly but by no means least; thanks and recognition were made to Richard Porter and Brian Greengrass, North and South Health and Safety Officers. Ultimately without their enthusiasm and passion none of us would be working in the safe environments we are.

Thank you to all involved and to all those that make ForFarmers UK a safe place to work.