ForFarmers is participating with Dutch 2019 Sustainable Business Challenge

ForFarmers is participating with the Netherlands’ most sustainable business case competition among students for the first time this year. The Sustainable Business Challenge will see students and starting out professionals getting to work on companies’ sustainability issues in teams. Students can therefore also get their teeth into one of ForFarmers’ sustainability issues during the seventh edition of this Challenge. Other participating companies are KLM Cargo, ProRail, Waternet and Engie.

Circular agriculture

The ForFarmers case is all about circular agriculture. The ForFarmers case is all about circular agriculture. The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality has stated that the future of our food supply can only be safeguarded if agriculture switches to circular agriculture. This switch can only be successfully realised if farmers and other chain parties work more closely together. This is why we’re looking for innovative ideas to initiate within the chain. And that’s the challenge the student teams who are linked to ForFarmers are going to be getting their teeth into.

Students who have registered for our case will start working on 8th November. The final will be on 13th December.

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