ForFarmers bids farewell to the 2020/21 Pig placement student, and welcomes the next!

Afbeelding: Holly FS

At the end of August ForFarmers says goodbye to current Harper Adams 2020/21 Placement Student, Holly Fletcher-Smith, and this week welcomes 2020/21 Stephen Evans as the 2021/22 student.

Holly has been working within the ForFarmers Pig Team for the last 13 months as part of her Industrial Placement year from Harper Adams University. As part of a varied placement she has gained experience in all aspects of ForFarmers and industry including leading a number of key pieces of work for the business.

Despite the challenges posed by being on a placement during a global pandemic including workplace changes and virtual meetings, Holly has experienced an insight into the many departments that make up ForFarmers including marketing, account management and the young animal feed team – establishing herself as a valued team member.

Wes Udall Young Animal Feed Specialist and lead of the pig industry scholarship comments: “COVID restrictions have limited Holly’s exposure to the business but she has still worked well on a variety of projects which have given her an insight into our business and allowed Holly to develop professionally and personally. We wish Holly her all the best for her final year at Harper Adams and in the future.”

Afbeelding: Stephen Evans

Holly will be succeeded by Stephen Evans, who joins ForFarmers as the 2021/22 Harper Adams Placement student. Stephen, who studies Agriculture at Harper Adams University joins this week and will undergo an intensive 4 week introduction to ForFarmers before joining up with the Young Animal Feed team to help them with their ongoing VIDA commercial trials as well as working on ForFarmers zinc free offering. Stephen will also spend time with the ForFarmers technical and marketing departments during his placement.

Craig Saunders, Pig Sales Director comments: “We’re delighted to partner with Harper Adams through the AHDB pig industry scholarship scheme to continue to build an incredible pipeline of talent For the Future of Farming. We’re committed to developing our team which includes our valued placement students.”

For more information about the ForFarmers Pig Placement visit or call Wes on 07802 17 32 40. If you’re a Harper Adams student look out for our virtual stand at the Harper Adams Scholarship Fair on Thursday 21st of October 2021.