Alien van der Hem about her Agriterra experience: “There is a huge amount of enthusiasm”

Alien van der Hem, Marketing Manager at ForFarmers, spent a week in Zambia at the end of 2019, where she conducted a ‘Marketing Basics’ training course on behalf of Agriterra, for employees from three different cooperatives. “Definitely hard work”, according to Alien, “but certainly well worth the effort.”

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“I often worked abroad and organised training courses at my previous employers. I love travelling, but particularly enjoy being in a position to help people, to add something with our knowledge”, Alien says. “I didn’t need a great deal of time to think when I was offered the opportunity to conduct a training course in Zambia in my own field of expertise.”

Practical experience: how do you market a product?

‘Marketing Basics’ is a tried and tested Agriterra training course, which has been used for a considerable amount of time. Agriterra now specifically wants to make the training course more practical, with help provided by people from the field, making sure the training becomes more authentic and realistic for the participants. Alien was the first person asked to add her own marketing knowledge and experience to the existing training course. Brenda, a local Agriterra Business Advisor/trainer and Lonieke, a supervisor from Agriterra Netherlands, were on hand to provide her with any required assistance.

The aim of the training course is to teach the course participants how they can market their products more effectively, as well as everything involved with this process. Alien: “The challenge was to keep things ultimately practical. I predominantly focussed on the basic steps in the marketing process and supplemented this with concrete examples, to show them how this is done at ForFarmers.”

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Curious about Alien's further experiences? Read the whole story on