“The Carmarthen mill first opened in 1974 and at that time it produced around 16,000 tonne a year. Following considerable investment and modernisation over recent years, in 2019 we set a new tonnage record of 127,392 tonnes. This was a great achievement and we celebrated as a team together.”
“To ensure high quality, freshness and consistency all of our feed is made to order. We therefore have to be organised and reactive in order to operate efficiently 24 hours a day.”
“We have a great team and have achieved a lot together over the years. They have also helped me progress within the company and I’m really grateful for all of the opportunities. We have three Production Team Managers, Eddie Morris, Sion Davies and Eric Rees who lead the teams extremely well. They have a wealth of experience which helps me especially in challenging times. We couldn’t do what we do at Carmarthen without them.”
“We have one Warehouse Team Manager, Tom Morris who has his work cut-out running the warehouse and intake. He does a great job and manages to juggle it all. We also have a top engineering team who we really work closely with, to make sure all of the equipment and machinery keeps ticking over. It’s also vital that we uphold health and safety standards to ensure the safety of our staff, contractors and visitors on site. The whole operation wouldn’t be possible without our brilliant Operations and Site Manager, Jeff Davies who leads from the front.”