Dyfrig Hughes, Senior Sales Executive

Department: Sales

"Knowing your inputs and outputs is vital in farming and this helps to ensure that customers are achieving their goals, economically but also conforming to environmental requirements of their production system."

Back in the day

Back in the day on farm calls, Dyfrig Hughes

“Back in 1990, I joined Pauls Agriculture Ltd in Winsford as a Salesman. The company was later merged with BOCM SILCOCK which in turn became the well-known brand of BOCM PAULS."

"In August 1992, I transferred to Denbigh and was operationally based from there. BOCM PAULS was then taken over by ForFarmers in 2012. Collectively, if you add it all up there’s 30 years’ worth of history and knowledge.”

“I have also taken on the role as the local Grassland Society Secretary, which provides a link to farming community and provides a means of development and personal growth."

"Recently I have taken on the role as Chairman of the Federation of Welsh Grassland Societies and gained the award of Associate of the Royal Agricultural Societies. By taking on additional roles, I am able to meet a wide range of individuals from across the country and industry.”

Sales area

“ForFarmers has Sales Specialists across the whole of UK but my neck of the woods is North West Wales. My patch covers the counties of Anglesey with parts of Conwy and Gwynedd. I work within the Welsh sales team and there is about 12 sales specialists who operate in and around Wales."

"Across the UK there are sixteen ForFarmers sites, these vary in terms of product production and capacity. Within Wales, there are two ForFarmers sites, Denbigh which has a shop and warehouse, and Carmarthen Mill and blends plant. As a team we all come together to serve customers and merchants across Wales and into England.”

North Wales - Dairy herd grazing

Finding the right customer solutions

“As a Senior Sales Executive, my role consists of working together with beef, sheep and dairy farmers to help them to improve performance of their animals and farm. ForFarmers has a wide range of high quality and carefully formulated feed products. I am therefore able to provide advice and guidance of this portfolio to customers and together we work out the best ration or solution for the animals and setup.”

“Usually I’m out on the road visiting customer and prospects across the area. However, with the recent Covid-19 outbreak, all sales employees have been required to work from the safety of their own home. Rather than face to face visits, I have been able to communicate with my customers over the phone. It’s not quite the same but necessary under the current Government guidelines.”

“ForFarmers has been proactive during this period and we have been able to send out sample packs for example, silage kits to customers. This has enabled us to keep things moving and update formulations and rations. Whatever the weather or even Covid-19, farming still continues. During this time teamwork has been crucial, together the Customer Service teams we have continued to communicate key messages and provide the highest level of service that our customers are used to.”

“When visiting customers, it’s important to find out their goals and monitor performance and output along the way. My role is quite varied and one morning I might be running through dairy costings with a customer and in the afternoon I might be taking soil samples and reviewing nutrient management plans. Knowing your inputs and outputs is vital in farming, and this helps to ensure that customers are achieving their goals, economically but also conforming to environmental requirements of their production system.”

“I work with customers across the board from dairy costings, to silage sampling, ration formulation and ensuring that they have sufficient production of home grown forage to lower their production costs. I’ve known some of my customers for years and taking them on a journey is so rewarding for all parties.”

Farmer Meetings

The ever changing marketplace

"What I really enjoy about my role is that I have to constantly adapt, to meet the ever changing needs of customers and the industry that we are all operating in. Farming has evolved so much in the last thirty years, we’ve seen Government legislation come and go, new environmental schemes and then there’s the market price fluctuations of our commodities. Farmers continue to keep modernising and adjusting and this makes my role so interesting as new objectives and challenges are always just around the corner.”

The Sales team

“I really enjoy working within the sales team and they are a key source of support and knowledge. We exchange ideas, find solutions and together we have a wealth of knowledge that spreads across the sector of ruminant. Within the team there is a great balance of age and experience and this makes an enjoyable and happy working environment.”