The day of Ann Coombes, Young Stock Team Leader

Department: Sales South West

A peek behind the scenes during an average working day of a young stock specialist...

06:00 a.m.

I wake up and make my lunch. The day starts with a boxing training and then I check my sheep and put my horse out in its field.

08:00 a.m.

Time to go to my first call of the day. I weigh calves from birth to 3 months old, with the help of the farmer and my new electronic scales.

Afbeelding: Ann Coombes_in-line

11:00 a.m.

I travel to the next farm visit. I met this person at a ‘women in dairy’ meeting and she is interested in our products. She recently has taken over rearing the calves from her aunt. Together we walk through the calf rearing process step by step as she would when feeding. I advise on ForFarmers protocols and feed rates. In this case the woman was mixing the powder with 65 degrees water which is far too hot. She also did not use the right amount of powder. I suggest using the correct ForFarmers powder to be feeding alongside our starter and rearer. I leave the farm and find a layby to eat my lunch.

01:30 p.m.

I visit a small farm which has recently just increased the rate in which they are feeding CMR (calf milk replacer), I weighband 15 calves to monitor their growth rates.

03:00 p.m.

Back home in my office. I incorporate the results of the weighings into a report, showing growth rates and calf performance in a graph and send the information to the farmer. Also I send a bespoke feed plan and information on the products I suggested to the second farm I visited today.

04:00 p.m.

Preparing a presentation for a farmer meeting I am holding next week. The presentation is on young stock and the importance of feeding your calves correctly to achieve targets.

06:00 p.m.

Done for today. Time to take my dogs to my parents’ farm where I go for a dog walk on the Somerset levels, checking my sheep and helping my mum feed her calves. When we are finished, I head to my house and cook dinner for me and my boyfriend, tidy the house and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.