“I start the day by arriving at the mill at around 7:30am, turn my laptop on to check emails and see if I have any meetings to attend. I then check in with the production and planning team to see if there has been any issues overnight or may be approaching in the near future. It is then time for a meeting with my team of engineers to discuss the maintenance plan and their tasks for the day. There are usually a number of tasks so we have to prioritise the jobs and once everyone sets off, I go for a walk around the whole mill. If contractors are onsite I complete the necessary work permits and review what work they will be carrying out”.
“At 9am we have our site morning meeting which we are currently doing through Skype, this gives all the head of departments on site an overview of the last 24 hours and any impact or issues which need addressing as a result. This is also where we talk about scheduling in any shutdown time required for upcoming maintenance”.
“I then log into Integrum which is our health and safety and environmental reporting system. I input any incidents or observations reported. From this point my day can be very fluid, I may have some site meetings, preparation work for upcoming audits, or calls with project teams to discuss, plan and evaluate site projects. Some days my role can be very practical and hands on. For example if there is a large maintenance task planned it may require the whole team to get involved in order to get it completed with minimal down time or carrying out trials, data gathering and proof of concept work before a major project”.